Since I was eight years old I began to have a life that is familiar to many people in our world. These is moving from place to place. I still remember the moment when I was told I had to move to Lima. I never expected that I would leave these city were I had met my first friends, gone to my first school and most importantly the place were all my baby memories had happened. It all started at a normal day were my sister and my brother were called to my parents room. After that I new it would always happen like these. For me moving to Lima wasn't a big deal at all I mean I was young and couldn't really understand what was going on. My first day of school was nothing I was use too the first thing I thought was these place is so crowded.I had the funnest elementary school year I could have had. But int fifth grade we had the conversation in my parents bedroom all over again. I was not ready for these at all I had so many plans for my first years of middle school with my friends from there. These time we had to move to Bogota, Colombia. Its been three years and a halve and I have been extremely happy. But when I came to the school in Bogota I realized it wasn't elementary school anymore and I couldn't make friends as easily as before. Maybe the first year was the hardest I didn't really go out, I was never invited. But as the year passed things got better.Ever since I have been happy. Nothing out of the normal fights, laughing, hanging and all that. But all I can say is these is my life and these is how it goes
February 18, 2010 at 4:22 PM
Fer! I know how it feels, it the worst feeling when your move from the place were your childhood memories were made. It wants easy getting here but after 3 and a half years here you start loving this place right?