After years of moving around and having many different friends I came to one conclusion! I have a hard time saying I have a bff, if I do say so that means the person had to do a lot of things that would make me realize they are worth my time and me being mas, sad or happy about anything that happens with them. One of the people I trust the most is a friend of mine named Valeria. She doesn't live in Bogota anymore, but everytime something happens that makes me really happy or really sad she is the first person I think of telling.I rember when I first met her and I instantly started trusting her and telling her everything. I rember how I began to trust her, it was one day that she had come over to my house and out of the blue guessed who I liked. Ever since she has done the same. Latley I have thought about how all of my friends are pretty recent. I see my brother he has his best friend in Mexico ever since he started school, everytime we go they see each other. But I don't have that, I don't really know why but that's how life is. I hope that all the friend I made now and I am in contact with stay my friends for now and for always. I can't only think of the many times I have thought that maybe if I had stayed in Mexico I would have friends that I new ever since I started school. But that's how my life turned out to be. Me moving from one place to another and having to make new friends. Never really knowing were to go next and if these place will be as easy to adapt as the previouse one. But how can I possibly be thinking so much about these? I don't really get myself, that's why I try to write about it and maybe by reading threw it I will understand fully why I get all these random thoughts about friends, and how long they have been around. But right now that shouldn't be an issue it should be how long I will be friends with the people that are currently in my life. Many people have told me friends come and go, but I wish just once at least one of my friends stays for good, that way I would be able to look back at a lot of years of amaxing memories. Maybe so that these friend last until I am fourty or fifty, that way she can be the godmother of our childern or something like that.
February 22, 2010 at 5:14 PM
okk fer... i will stick around... you will see... you'll be the godmother of my children and i will be the godmother of yours: they will attend asf... jajaja well... i can recall so many times with you... no matter what is on i cant wait to tell you!! maybe that is true friendship just wanting to share things with each other!! you know i love you!! so much!!! and we will stik around for one another!!! att: valeria!