I don't now why i always happen to seat around and think and think for hours. Maybe because there is no one i really trust at the moment. Thinking and keeping to myself is what I find the easiest to do. It has come to my attention that for me trust had always come to be hard. But then I see myself and my life is surrounded by great people that by what i notice care of what goes on in my life. I really don't have many best friends and that part saying i have a best friend come even harder than just trusting people. I don't really understand why or what events in my life let me to be like these, maybe the fact that i move around so much and for me it's hard to live behind and easily make new friends that i have strong bonds with like the previous ones. But as time passes i change and notice that the less i care the better it turns out to be for me.

2 Response to " "

  1. Carolina Herrrera Says:

    You sound really sad in this post, I´m really sorry that you have friends you feel aren´t trustworthy. I´m still sure that those aren´t your only firends and that you have others that really care about you and what you feel. I still think that in order to give an end to this you must move on and meet new friends that will really care for you!New friends that will make you feel important!

  2. Sophia Noel Says:

    You can trust me! jaja I can help if you tell me. I understand you though, it is really hard to open up, because you think you might get hurt. But in life you have to take risks. I realized that unless you take risks you will never get to the fun part. I used to not tell anything to anybody but now ive learned that the more people I talk to, the more it can help me. You know im here for you know matter what, you just need to trust me. I've been here for you since 6th grade and trust me I care alot about you. Sometimes you worry me sick when I dont know whats going on. Not caring is just a short time solution, it builds up. You need to let it out. It was hard for me but the people I can trust are the funnest to hang out with. You are one of the people I trust the most, I hope you will be able to trust me the same, although I know its hard. I move alot to and seeing the people you trust the most move away is the hardest thing. But you have to learn to trust the people who are with you to help you. The solution isnt changing friends either, if you dont open up now you wont open up with them either, it will just keep bottling up. We've been close friends for a long time, you can trust me with anything and I will be here for you.

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